Hello — I'm Peter, a designer, photographer, writer, and nice person based in Orange County, CA.

Geo? — That's short for George. Or Geo-graphic/metric/logic.

If you're in a situation where you have to wait, where does your attention go?

I've always noticed the constant visual and verbal messages coming at us from all directions: the colors, shapes, typography, and language packaging our cultural experiences from our clothing to our food. There's a psychology to creative marketing, an art, and it's kind of magic. So I've been involved in that for a while now, through growing competence in a range of disciplines.

But I'm most interested in branding, because it gets at the heart of a company's identity and how to communicate it visually, at a glance. My work is helping business owners share their story and attract the right audience. I'm as strategic as I am creative and like to adapt to the unique needs of a project, especially if I get to learn something.

Above all, I enjoy working with good people and promoting things I believe in.

Get in touch

"An interesting plainness is the most difficult and precious thing to achieve."

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

Ways I can help


Brand Naming
Logo Design
Graphic Design


UX/UI Design
Web Development


Social Media


Search Engine Marketing (SEO)
Social Media Advertising
Blogs / Content Marketing

My Values

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